Conference Papers

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  1. H. Hatami-Marbini, and E. Etebu. Material properties of porcine corneal stroma in unconfined compression in ASME 2013 2nd Global Congress on NanoEngineering for Medicine and Biology. 2013.
  2. H. Hatami-Marbini, and E. Etebu. Unconfined compression of porcine corneal stroma; a transversely isotropic biphasic analysis. in The 11th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 2013.
  3. H. Hatami-Marbini, P.M. Pinsky, The Contribution of Proteoglycans on the Mechanical Properties of the Corneal Stroma, ASME Conf. Proc. 2010, 299, DOI:10.1115/NEMB2010-13175, 2010.
  4. H. Hatami-Marbini, P.M. Pinsky, Electrostatic Contribution of the Proteoglycans to the In-Plane Shear and Compressive Stiffness of Corneal Stroma, Summer Bioengineering Conference Proc., 1-2, 2010.
  5. H. Hatami-Marbini, P.M. Pinsky, On Mechanics of Connective Tissue: Assessing the Electrostatic Contribution to Corneal Stroma Elasticity, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1239-VV03-07, 2009.
  6. H. Hatami-Marbini, R.C. Picu, On Structure and Elastic Fields of Random Fiber Networks, ASME Conf. Proc. 2010, 259, DOI:10.1115/NEMB2010-13058, 2010.
  7. H. Hatami-Marbini, H.M. Shodja, Thermal Stresses in an FG Coated Spherical Inhomogeneity, Proc. 8th Int. Cong. on Thermal Stresses, 389-392, 2009.
  8. H. Hatami-Marbini, R.C. Picu, Analytical Approach to Quantifying the Non-Affine Behavior of Fiber Networks, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 1060-LL09-03, 2008.